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Karin Johansson

Vicedekan forskning


Choir in Focus 2010


  • Ursula Geisler
  • Karin Johansson

Summary, in English

Choir singing, choral practice and singing in general are explored as research objects in a variety of disciplines. Together, they describe a complex and multifaceted field of interesting cultural-historical, pedagogical, sociological, and psychological and music related topics. The disciplines that work with choir related research differ in theoretical and methodological traditions and vary with regard to definitions of the term choir and what should constitute choir research. Although there are vast possibilities for cooperative and cross-disciplinary projects in this area, such studies seem to be lacking. In order to highlight choir, choir singing and choral work as fruitful research topics the network Choir in Focus was initiated by Dr. Ursula Geisler and Dr. Karin Johansson in 2009 at Körcentrum Syd in the south of Sweden (The Southern Choral Centre, www.korcentrumsyd.se). An international network would bring together researchers from different traditions and disciplines as a creative meeting point. The network would also provide a platform for discussing theoretical and methodological issues under the umbrella of common research interests related to choir. This publication is one of the results from the network’s first meeting in November 2009, which drew together 15 participants from universities and music academies in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France and the UK. The contributions illustrate how choir singing and choral life may be approached from differing disciplinary origins that vary from historical studies to studies of contemporary performance practice.


  • Musikvetenskap
  • Musikhögskolan i Malmö








Bo Ejeby Förlag


  • Musicology
  • Music


  • Chorus
  • Singing history
  • Choir research
  • Europe
  • Performance practice




  • ISBN: 978-91-88316-56-1