Developing Excellent Research Environments

In conjunction with the government’s new research proposal, we ask the following questions: What is research excellence? What do we mean when we talk about excellence in research in relation to artistic and arts education research? What really matters for successful research environments?
Join us for a seminar that explores these questions, providing valuable insights into achieving excellence in these unique fields. We will examine the key elements that contribute to a thriving research culture – including joint research activities, innovative projects, interdisciplinary work, cross-sectoral partnerships, and a healthy working environment, as well as effective leadership, strong infrastructures and good support systems.
Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss strategies and best practices. Join us at IAC or on Zoom:
Om evenemanget
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (Seminar Room) or ZOOM
In English
carolina [dot] jonsson_malm [at] konstnarliga [dot] lu [dot] se